Staffing Solutions


Staffing Solutions

MidSourceTech understands how crucial it is to find the right employee with the right skill sets who can contribute to the success of your business. Whether you are a small business or a large corporate with your own HR department, finding the right people is never easy. This is where we can help.
We have a workforce that is spread all over India with just one mission to fulfil - finding the right people to meet your specific needs. You may need people with a certain level of experience in a particular domain, or in a specific location. No matter what you require, our competent staffing services division will find people who will meet the unique needs of your company.
Our staffing solutions include:
IT staffing
Accounting, financial, and managerial staffing
Recruitment process outsourcing
Technical and industrial staffing
Offshore requirements
As a staffing agency, we understand that every company has its own culture, values, and expectations from its employees. The better we can understand your unique way of functioning, the easier it will be for us to tailor our search and narrow down the field of potential candidates for employment at your organisation.

Sourcing and finding people is the most important. You can’t recruit, message, or network with someone you haven’t found

01Identifying Candidates

Our first step is identifying qualified professionals from several sources.

02Shortlisting & Screening

After we identify a suitable number of candidates, we then shortlist them on the basis of experience, skills, and the fit of each of our potential candidates..

Why Choose Us?

We are a staffing company which is different from others. Our process does not stop just because a candidate has been placed. We will continually monitor the performance of the employee to ensure that we are giving you the best quality service in the industry.

  • One of the most reputed and technologically advanced staffing companies in the country.
  • We understand that human resource challenges and requirements keep changing as marketplaces become increasingly global.
  • What is an IT staffing firm?

    A staffing firm or an employment agency meets the hiring obligations of a firm in agreement with the skills they wish to possess. The people who join an organization through a staffing firm are not employees but temporary personnel who are on the payroll of the staffing firm.

  • What is technical staffing?

    The demand for quality technical experts has grown enormously as tech has arisen as a key element to the success of a business. Because of the extremely technical and fast-paced aspect of the domain, technical staffing poses several challenges across various firms.

  • How does IT staffing services help get access to high-skilled IT professionals?

    An IT staffing service can save your business money and time and find highly skilled professionals. A staffing firm acts as a middleman between professionals and employers, helping match skilled aspirants with firms that have current job opportunities.